She completed primary school with a score of 349 out of 500 in her final exams. That’s an excellent result – good enough for a place in one of the best schools in Kenya.

Despite her success, Effryne faced not going to secondary school. Her grades were clearly good enough, but in Kibera parents struggle to earn enough for food let alone ‘luxuries’ like education.

That’s where we came in. We wanted to give Effryne the chance to complete her schooling.  Through the scholarship programme we found a sponsor who paid her school fees at St Lucie Kiriri Secondary School in Nairobi and Effryne’s hard work was rewarded with a B grade in her final KCSE exams.

Effryne then took part in our mentoring programme and was offered 4-months of work experience at Mbati Rolling Mills in Nairobi to learn about business.

“This has been an opportunity of a lifetime and I doubt that I will ever forget.”

“I have had good exposure the work environment especially by the fact that I directly work with people in the field of architecture that I would like to be part of.  It has been a chance of growth and very enlightening.  I have learnt many virtues from my colleagues such as hard work, teamwork and work ethics.”

Effryne is now studying Architecture at the Nairobi Institute of Technology.

To find out how you can help someone like Effryne please visit our Scholarship page.