Give a Child an Education this Christmas

In Kenya many children are unable to attend school because their family is trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Education gives them the best chance to escape this – but they cannot afford to pay the school fees, in a country where all secondary schools charge fees. So, this opportunity is denied to them and the cycle of poverty continues.

This Christmas Gift Card gives a child in Kenya the chance of a full education just like Getrude …

Getrude in 2011 as she began secondary school
Getrude began secondary school in 2011 thanks to our scholarship
Getrude in 2015 shares her ambitions
“I want to be a Doctor” was Getrude’s ambition in 2015”
Getrude in 2019 graduating from university
In 2019 Getrude graduated from university with a First in Public Health

Scholarships for needy children in Kenya

The Red Rubber Ball Foundation is a UK registered charity (number 1140443) which provides scholarships for needy children in Kenya to attend secondary school.  Your donation is paid in full directly to their school. 100%.

Scholarships are provided for the full four years at secondary school, but we have several students who are part way through their studies and need a sponsor so they can continue their schooling.

SelineA young girl has two years remaining as a day pupilneeds £130 each year
RebeccaA young girl has two years remaining as a boarding pupil needs £325 each year
RashidA young boy has two years remaining as a boarding pupil needs £430 each year

Your gift will help enable one of these children to complete their secondary education.

Since 2010, The Red Rubber Ball Foundation has helped 234 children complete their education.


Gift Cards are available for:
Any amount of your choosing
Any amount of your choosing

Choose who to support

You can choose which child you would like to support and the amount you’d like to contribute.

We will send a Charity Gift Card to a person of your choice in time for Christmas, with details of the child they are supporting, including a photo.

And at the end of each term, they will receive a copy of the child’s school report, to confirm that they have been in school and show the progress they are making.

Donations can be made to help any of these children complete their studies.

Your Details

Your Donation

Details of the person the Charity Gift Card is for

The cost of the schooling for each child depends on the type of school they are in. For some families living in a city such as Nairobi there may be day school options. But for the majority, and particularly in remote rural areas, the only option is as a boarding pupil. This latter option is required by many parents as they cannot afford to feed a child at home who is not working.

The rates per year are as follows:

National Schools – full board

Fees around £430 pa
Scholarship donation = £345 pa + Gift Aid

Local Schools – full board

Fees around £325 pa
Scholarship donation = £260 pa + Gift Aid

Day pupils

Fees around £80 pa
Scholarship donation = £65 pa + Gift Aid

There are many other children who have gained a secondary school place but can not take it up without a sponsor. For them, we provide scholarships where an individual donor, family or business meets the full fees over the four years of secondary school.

If you would like to consider providing a scholarship in full, then please contact us here.